Building Immunity With Healthy Snacking

Building Immunity With Healthy Snacking

Regularly consuming fatty snacks or processed foods is bad for our health and should be avoided. That’s something we all know, isn’t it? But still most of us don’t find time to plan our diet and stick to healthy food options. Everything begins with good eating habits. Since we all know that good food promotes a healthy lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle promotes good health. The adage "Good Food, Good Mood" is well known to us all. This proverb asserts that eating wholesome foods promotes happiness and good health. Consuming superfoods with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients will boost your immunity, which will benefit your general health. Are you likewise sick and weary of being weak and ill all the time? If so, Indian superfoods will undoubtedly assist improve metabolism and immunity. They have it all: they are nutrient-dense, flavorful, lo- cally farmed, adaptable, and environmentally friendly.The immune system in your body is a magnificent system built to defend you from dangerous threats that could come from either the outside world or from within. Overall, the immune system produces an inflammatory reaction that can target the threat with different defence cells and be

localised to a specific infection or a generalised to fever.

Enjoy any of the foods listed below to help maintain a robust immune system.


Including ghee in your diet regularly can strengthen your immune sys- tem. Due to the abundance of necessary fatty acids in ghee, thyroid function is supported, easing pregnancy and promoting a healthy birth. It is also a fat-soluble vitamin that aids in the treatment of vitamin D insufficiency. We use pure organic ghee at Baanali to make the speciality Telugu sweets like Babbatlu, Sunundalu, etc.



Used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of inflammatory disorders, including ulcers, diabetes, and allergies, turmeric is a key ingredient in curries. Studies have demonstrated that the main immunomodulatory component of turmeric, curcumin, may target pro-inflammatory cytokines and activate certain immune cells to modify the immune system. The advantages of curcumin reported in a few immune-related illnesses, such as allergy, asthma, and arthritis, may be a result of these actions. 

  • It makes the liver
  • Blood purification with turmeric is
  • It aids in the digestive system's
  • The antioxidant turmeric combats free
  • The body's ability to produce antioxidants can be improved by
  • Turmeric is recognised as a pain reliever since it has pain-relieving
  • It has been shown that the turmeric compound curcumin has bene- ficial benefits against cancer.
  • Haldi has some incredible skin advantages because it works well to treat acne and promote clear skin.
  • The fact that turmeric strengthens the immune system is one of the key reasons it is regarded as a superfood.
  • High levels of anti-inflammatory compounds in turmeric enable our body indirectly control and treat a number of diseases, including heart disease, degenerative conditions, etc.
  • The fact that turmeric strengthens the immune system is one of the key reasons it is re- garded as a superfood.
  • High levels of anti-inflammatory compounds in turmeric enable our body indirectly control and treat a number of diseases, including heart disease, degenerative conditions, etc.


Almost everyone consumes ginger. It has been utilised for countless years in Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and folk medicine. Ginger is a potent spice that can be used in both savoury and sweet dishes. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are essential for a strong immune system. Inflammatory disor- ders like arthritis and other immune-related conditions including aller- gies, asthma, and colds may be inhibited by ginger, according to re- search.


The edible bulb of the lily family plant known as garlic has long been utilised for medicinal purposes by people all over the world. Garlic contains a lot of sulfur-containing chemicals, like allicin, which are responsible for its immune-stimulating effects. It has been discovered that these substances considerably reduce inflammation and offer defence against several bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori.

palli chikkiNuts and Dry fruits

The potent anti-oxidant is essential for a strong immune system. Almonds, walnuts, groundnuts and cashews are excellent sources of vitamin E and are powerful antioxidants that help you stay healthy. To maintain your health, consume some almonds. Additionally, they contain a lot of protein and fat, which keeps energy levels high for a longer period of time. We have a variety of dry fruit specialties at Baanali, including Kaju Masala, Kaju Pakodas, Masala Phalli, Dry Fruit Laddu, Nuvvundalu, Palli Chikki, and Kaju Barfi, among others.

nuvvu laddu


It is packed with mystical medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) that in- crease endurance, brain function, and overall well-being. As per Ruju- ta, tender coconut water is helpful for hydration, malai for digestive health, mature coconut for heart health, and coconut oil for glossy hair. It’s easy to pick up from the authentic stores like Baanali that serves coconut based healthy snacks and sweets to munch on a dai- ly basis.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

One of the finest sources of vitamin C is Amla, or Indian Gooseberry, which not only strengthens our immune system but also has numerous other health advantages. Pickles, chutney, murabba, and Amla candy were once made by individuals. Even though it is rather bitter when eaten raw, it offers numerous health advantages. Amla pickle is conve- nient to keep and a good daily snack. Below are some of the advantages of Amla:

Amla extract has been demonstrated in numerous trials to be useful in treating different ailments, including arthri- tis and joint discomfort.
• It has inflammatory-reducing qualities.
• Because it is a fruit with fibre, it helps digestion.
• Amla can be used as a cancer therapy if consumed regularly.
• Because it promotes normal blood glucose levels, it aids in the management of diabetes.
• Amla aids in weight loss since it contains a high con- centration of fat-burning properties.
• Amla is also used cosmetically to promote healthy skin and hair growth, among other things.

Baanali has already won the hearts of several working mothers, senior citizens, kids, students, bachelors living away from home and so on. South Indian snacks are popular not just in India but throughout the world.

Hence Baanali has already spread their wings to reach globally: exporting to US, UAE, Australia, Canada and Singapore serving families with the traditional flavours of healthy Telugu delicacies.

You can place requests for customised orders and dishes to relish it with family and friends at home and enjoy healthy eating ! You may reach out to Baanali on +91 9063727848 for your customised orders.

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